Our Certifications

Third Party Audits
Our products are grown from soil abundant in minerals and enriched by cover crops, compost and trace elements. Soil is plowed and weeds are cultivated with horse drawn implements. Each farmer has multiple third party inspections to insure that standards are being upheld.
First and foremost, farmers must pass an organic inspection in order to become certified. The National Organic Program (NOP) standards require the farmer to be able to document that there have been no chemical inputs, treated seeds or any other prohibited substances used on the soil for a period of three years prior to the harvesting of organic crops.
Certified organic farmers have to maintain a buffer zone between their certified organic fields and any non-organic neighboring fields. This prevents contamination from any potential drift of harmful chemicals when spraying.
Our farmers are also required to be audited by a third party inspection agency, and meet Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards for food safety. GAP standards require all water, used for washing produce, to be tested annually for bacteria and E-coli. Each farm is evaluated to prevent any risk of contamination and to insure that all products are kept safe and free from contamination.